Thursday 5 April 2012

Not My Day

This post was previously published in my personal blog, but I decided I didn't want crap negative shit in my happy blog, so I moved it here instead.

Have you ever had days where everything just seems to go wrong?  It's like the first wrong thing of the day triggers off a chain of unfortunate events that just keeps coming... yesterday was just one of those days.

It started off with me going for my routine 6 monthly blood test.  Bad idea to go on a Monday and at lunchtime - after riding on the tram for 30 mins, I had to wait over half an hour to get a measly blood test done.  Not only that, but I got a student (now I really don't mind students because I'm not needle phobic and we all got to learn sometime, right?  And it was quite amusing too LOL)  But I knew at once he put on the tourniquet too loose (his supervisor was there and he showed her, who said it was fine, so I decided not to say anything) anyways, guess what, he missed cos the tourniquet had unravelled on its own and of course the vein went flat... and his supervisor couldn't salvage that either.  I told them politely "you can try the other arm if you like" which they pounced on immediately  @_@

I had time to do a bit of food blogging, then it was time to start on dinner.  I had intended to make chicken pie liaw (chicken pie filling - which was usually with steamed chicken, potatoes, onion and carrots but today I was making it without carrots as Princess Ahimi doesn't like carrots).  Anyway, yesterday when Aunt S heard I was trying to make chicken pie liaw for the first time (yes, I've never made it before) she said she was interested in coming after work for dinner to taste it.  So okay, I decided to make enough for three.

As I put the chicken into the steamer, I started to chop up the potatoes and onions.  OMG!!!  Seriously where were all the sharp knives in the kitchen?  Super blunt and I felt like I was chopping the potato savagely like a wood-cutter with a butter knife  @_@  I was getting nowhere - so bloody slow and the chicken was already almost done - I asked Princess Ahimi to come and help me chop the onions but of course, in true Princess style, she just ignored me and went back to playing her computer (yalah, as usual, cannot help but can eat). Damon tried generously to help (actually is just want to eat lah!) but smelt the onions and sneezed twice!!!  LOL poor thing.

While I was stuck with super slimy potato and stinky onion wet hands, the phone started ringing and I called for Ahimi to help answer it, but of course, yet again, in true Princess style (bless her chilly heart), she just refused to answer and made me have to go wash my hands and pick up the phone like 'kakak' a.k.a servant.  Of course, it had to be Aunt S saying she wasn't coming after all cos too tired after work - fine, too sian to care... at least now I don't have to rush and Damon can have extra chicken treats.

The only thing that came out perfectly I would have to say is the two steamed chicken Marylands (thighs for our chicken pie liaw, and drums for Damon's treats).  Really juicy and plump, and had lots of chicken soup.  I was proud of myself :)
Steamed chicken in super old fashioned tin- cut open to make sure it's cooked through (no salmonella please!)
Now for cooking the potatoes and onions.  For some weird reason, I thought they had to be steamed for 25 mins instead of 10-15 mins (lost in translation) after asking my Aunt J in Kuching over the phone the night before.  (Keep in mind too, whilst juggling the chicken and the chopping with dirty hands I was also messaging Kuching for advice!!!  And no answer for so long so okloh, I thought 25 mins was correct so I left it on and started peeling the chicken).
Meanwhile Damon was going so crazy over the smell that I gave him some steamed chicken treats and his beef dinner.  After about 20 mins, I decided to just open the lid on the potatoes and see how they were going and SHIT!!!!  The bottom bits of the onions and potatoes were chau-tar!!! 

<String of expletives>

Now I know how the contestants in Masterchef and My Kitchen Rules must feel when their precious food gets burnt to a cinder!  And yes, thanks, now I got the sms from Kuching saying “no, cook the potato and onion for 10-15 mins.”  Grrrreeeeat <Tony the Tiger impersonation>

Anyway, I couldn’t be bothered redoing it all by myself, so I scooped out the good bits (most of it was useable except the bottom and sides), threw them in with the chicken, chicken soup and then the tinned condensed chicken soup.

Motherf&*#@r!!!  I hate tin cans that I have to peel the cover off – always gets stuck and feel like it’s gonna slice my finger off.  So I get Ahimi to literally lift a finger and do an itsy bitsy part in our dinner cooking by bringing the can – she refused to get her ass off her chair – and putting it right in front of her so all she has to do is pull with a finger.  Thanks, that was ALOT of help.

This is the overall outcome:

I thought it tasted okay – my steamed chicken was really nice and juicy and the potatoes soft and the soup had a chicken flavour from the steamed chicken that had so much juice.  So I call Ahimi and say I’m done and going to eat now.  She does not bother coming out to eat with me… instead after I’m finished eating over half an hour later, she strolls out casually for My Kitchen Rules at 7.30pm.  Nice.  And the only comment she made when she tasted the chicken pie liaw was “It’s so no taste.  Not like the one Mama and Aunt J makes the condensed soup taste is really strong.  Did you add something else to it?”
Thank you.  That is so nice of you.  And yes, she also sat down, guzzled down my lemon squash and left drops of soup all over the table for me to clean.  Nothing like having a twin like Ahimi to make you feel unappreciated and “why do I even bother.”
The night didn’t end there… there overflowing dishes to be washed (from this morning too) and I spent almost an hour scrubbing the burnt bottom of the pot, which is still dirty, BTW, while Ahimi sat watching TV and eating rock melon.  Nightmare.  This is also on the background of doing loads of laundry, emptying the rubbish bins in the apartment (which I’ve been doing and I swear I’ve only seen Ahimi do once since I came back a month ago), washing the both toilets and vacuuming/ “rubbing” the carpet twice a week (when Ahimi is balding and leaving balls of hair everywhere Ringu style).  Hey, we’re supposed to be sisters and equals, man, not princess and maid!  Play your part, man, we have no servants in this house!
My conclusion for the night was – I will die before I ever become:
1. Chef (at least they have fame and fortune)
2. Kakak/ maid (at least get paid for it lah!)
3. Housewife (ya, I will die first)
Then I see Damon running to the toilet and get a feeling he needs to use the loo.
I had upgraded Damon’s Litter Kwitter to the 2nd stage with a hole in it, and he had already peed in the morning in the old loo, so he usually wouldn’t go again until after dinner.  So armed, with treats, I went in with him.
The end of the story is that Damon finally peed (into the pan and not into the toilet, despite me positioning him so carefully!) and when he jumped off the toilet, he managed to shower the toilet seat, the floor and me with pee.  Thanks, Damon.  Exactly what I needed.
So I spent the next TWO hours in the toilet with Damon waiting for him to take a dump, which he just refused.  A bit of scratching and sniffing around, but no action.  So I finally let us both out at 1am 0_0 to fill his water and food bowls that I didn’t manage to earlier because I had been too busy.
And wow!  While I was taking his water bowl to the sink, my hand accidentally bumps the tap lever and out shoots a strong jet of tap water that bounces off a dish and fountains right into the drying rack, onto the dishes I had washed and dried, flooding the tray underneath it and also the dishrag under it!!!!  F@%# me – it was a disaster!!!
And as I scrambled to dry it, I turn around to see Damon jumping onto the dinner table!!!  NOOOO!!!  <scream of pure terror from germ phobic self>  I look for some sanitary wipes and bloody hell – the last one had snapped off and the next piece was stuck inside and the lid of the stupid contraption was IMPOSSIBLE to open.  Yup – did not budge!  It was just one of those days where you feel everything is lined up to make you truly khi-siaw...  I rushed to the table in the corridor to find the same thing with the other two in the hall.  Tulanlah!
After finally finding an opened pack of sanitizer wipes (and BTW the stupid zip lock bag the box was in just refused to zip and lock thank you very much) I wiped down the table.  Phew!  And as I bring Damon’s water bowl to his cosy eating corner (under our dining table LOL) I noticed something out of the ordinary.  What was that?  Something brown and crumpled, stuck between the wall and the transparent table cover.  I crawl in under the table and lean closer, frowning (like the stupid guy who saw the scarabs in The Mummy) and…
AAAAHHHHH!!!! <old fashioned horror movie scream>
F*^% me man!!!!  Now you might think what’s the big deal, it’s just a stupid spider, but to an arachnophobic freak it’s a HUGE deal!!!  Of all the disgusting things… I grab a kitchen wipe and sanitizer wipe – thought twice about it (it wasn’t your everyday soft spider, but the kinda hard looking and shell-like kind) and wrapped the kitchen wipe around a slipper and hit the arachnid with enough force to punch through the wall.
EW.  The spider was squashed and left a generous splat of brown spider juice on my wall.  Sick.  Left me feeling so gross and icky and hoping there wasn’t more where it came from.
Finally, at 1.30am, I went to shower and change my pissy clothes and crawled into bed, exhausted.
It was seriously, seriously not my day.

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