Thursday 26 April 2012

Stupid Cinema People

Ok, I haven't been ranting here for a while - I had something that was super annoying me in the cinema the other day but I couldn't be bothered blogging about it.  Another annoying occurrence happened the other day again at Hoyts too, so hell, I'm going to bitch about it!

Story One

MerlinFan and I went to watch Wrath of the Titans the other day at Hoyts.  We were sitting at J8 and J9, and you know the row letters are actually stuck on the steps beside each row of seats.  Anyways, obviously there were a couple of steps next to each row, so we headed into the row which we thought was J.

We were early, and not long after, a couple in their 30s (looked like) came in from the other side of the row and sat down next to us.  They said nothing, as if everything was all normal, but let's just call them Dumb and Dumber (yes, I mean stupid dumb and mute dumb).  Miss Dumb sat next to me and Mr Dumber sat on her other side.

A few minutes later, another couple came in, looked at their seat numbers and told Dumb and Dumber "excuse me, but you're in our seats."

Mr Dumber turned to MerlinFan and I with this super accusing look, and told the second couple pointedly, "well, these guys are in our seats too."

Excuse me, if you thought we were in your seats, why didn't you say so before?  I just find that bloody annoying - you have a mouth, you're not mute, is it so hard to just open your mouth and ask?  You've been sitting there for 10 minutes thinking we're in your seats and you said nothing?  If you're in the right seat, no one would hesitate to apologise for being in your rightful seat, dumbass.  It sure comes across much politer than suddenly turning around and accusing someone of being in their seat (as if we did it on purposely and don't wanna leave or something).  I was SOOO tempted to give him a 'What is wrong with you???' look, and say "Why didn't you say so in the first place?"

Anyway, Mr Dumber went on to say, "Well, we're in seat blah blah, here, I'll show you my tickets"  as if we were the bad guys stealing their seats.

I don't f@*&ing care about your stupid tickets.  Anyway, I, still being a nice citizen and not so ai-chwoi-su, told him my seat numbers and got up for him and checked the row numbers and stuff again (see, acknowledging that I could be in the wrong seats while he just sat there fat ass and all with his dumb girlfriend) and turns out we were in the wrong row, since the row letters were put on the stairs in the back of each row, not the front, so there were a few other people who were moving around that day because they sat in the wrong row.

Anyways, MerlinFan and I moved, and as I got out of my seat, some of the popcorn fell out from the bucket and spilt onto Miss Dumb's new seat. I just pretended I didn't see and walked off.  Honestly, I couldn't be bothered apologising to stupid people.  So we were in the wrong seats, but the point is if you think someone's in your seat, you should have said so in the first place instead of sitting down mutely and then waiting till someone chases you out of their seats to accuse someone else of stealing your seats. (So iau-kwui again... we were wondering why the seats were off centre instead of in the middle like the guy who we bought the tickets from told us). 

And what if the lights were already out and the movie already started?  Maybe it would be all right for you to just shift one seat over, but if it was a full cinema, you would have made it a hell lot more inconvenient for everyone else to get up and start looking for seats in the dark.  Congrats to Miss Dumb for being dumb and having a boyfriend that was even Dumber and super chivalrous, afraid to ask people to check their seat numbers.  Cinemas have assigned seats for a good reason, dude.  Why, do you think I'm going to beat you up?  Throw popcorn at you?  Shove my choctop ice-cream down your throat?  Please.

And that was the story of Dumb and Dumber.

Story Two

Story two was when Aunt S asked me to watch The Hunger Games with her.  Yes, the Hunger Games = lots of teens and tweens.

Anyways there was a bunch of teens sitting behind us - I don't know if they were high school kids or international students, but the girl sitting behind Aunt S was PT, so let's call her PT.  Anyway, halfway through the movie, Aunt S suddenly moved forward, then turned around and stared at them.  Then she got up and moved into the empty seat on my other side.  PT and her dumb friends just giggled aggravatingly.

I asked her what was wrong, and she said the annoying girl, PT behind her kept kicking and kneeing the back of her chair.  Not only that, but she had her foot on the head of the chair, and Aunt S said her feet bloody stank!!!


Aunt S said she was soooo tempted to turn around and tell her off, but she didn't.  (Damn, I sooo wished she did, for she can be super nitpicky and crazy sometimes! :P) As we left the theatre, PT was standing around with her friends, giggling air-headily, and Aunt S said she almost wanted to say to her "Your feet stink!"

Gross.  Some people are SUPER inconsiderate - not only did you think you can put your feet up on other people's chair and kick the back of people's chairs, you also can't afford to wash your own feet.

1 comment:

  1. How disgusting. It's seriously people like PT who give Asians a bad rep. That chao cebai...pretend to be so holy some more. DISGUSTING!!!!!
