Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Bitchy Bitch at Airport (not the drug sniffing Beagle) and more
This chapter was inspired by extra rude run-ins with Airport officers over the years. While I'm at it, I might as well cover all my bases, starting my lovely rant with obnoxious inflight passengers.
This was years ago - I was in a long flight and watching an inflight movie with my headphones on. I try to recline my chair only to find weirdly enough it is stuck... I have headphones on, so I can't hear what's going on, and I push harder and it feels like its meeting resistance or someone is shoving it from behind. Thinking its some stupid obnoxious kid pushing or kicking the back of my chair I start to turn when I see a huge face of an angry looking man standing up and glaring at me from behind my seat. He growls, "I'm sorry! But wait!!!"
WTF? Apparently he was trying to get something from the chair beside him. How was I supposed to know he was there? He could at least ask me to move forward instead of shoving against my chair roughly like some delinquent kid. At dude, don't bother saying sorry when you're barking it cos we all know you're not.
Later, his obnoxiousness peaks when his wife wants to change their baby. She wonders whether the toilet has changing facilities and the man tells her nonchalantly, "Can just change here, what" in true Singlish/Manglish style.
You've got to be kidding, right? That's sick! We don't want to be sitting here, a whole plane full of people smelling your kid's piss and shit. Disgusting. Not to mention selfish. And I think they were about to change the kid right there, when an air stewardess happens to pass by and tells them nicely, to please change your baby in the change room.
And of course, there are the most considerate eyebrow and nose hair tweezers in the plane. Um... don't you think personal grooming should be done in privacy i.e. in the bathroom?
And then there are those people who think that not only are they entitled to their seats, they are entitled to all your baggage compartment space over your head and any empty seats between you. In a MAS flight from KL to London, a very nice air-steward asked me to move to the row behind myself, MerlinFan, PrincessBling and ChanelFan. There were four seats in the middle row and there was a woman sitting at the aisle seat, and I took the other aisle seat, so there were two empty seats between us.
You'd think I get one empty seat and she can have the other empty seat to stretch out and sleep but nooo.... the chick decides as soon as the safety belt sign goes off to stretch out over her two chairs and rest her head on the middle armrest so her big skull and hair (gross!!!) is hanging out over the empty seat beside me. Great. So much for lying down. As the night progresses, she slowly stretches out and ends up removing all the arm rests and sprawls over THREE seats, using all three sets of pillows and blankets, though I had "claimed" the extra pillow beside me. Honestly. Do you need to be so greedy???
Airport Officers
Melbourne Airport sometimes has the rudest airport officers. Not all of them, some of them are friendly with a smile, but others just reek of RUDO-SITY. Sure we always arrive at the crack of dawn and not everyone is a morning person, but it just gives a terrible impression of the country when the first people you meet are just obnoxious.
Now Melbourne Airport baggage claim is usually ridiculously packed in the morning with the number of flights coming in at the same time. The line to the bag declaration section snakes across the entire enormous hall and all the way around baggage claims. Earlier this year, we had the same problem - passengers were to make two lines as they approached the exit. Now there were three of us travelling together, and as the crowd of people merged into one, a boy happened to get into the line behind the first person (P1) in our party. Since there was only one of him and three of us, we asked him to go first, and P1 moved aside out of our queue to the space between both lines so that he could pass.
Anyways, suddenly a female airport officer marches by and rudely barks at P1, "You can't be in both lines at once! You have to choose one. Get back in line!" She leans over, grabs the handle of P1's trolley and shoves the trolley back roughly back in line. We were appalled by her rudeness... P1 tells her we were just letting the boy pass cos we were travelling together.
A second female officer is walking by and sees the whole exchange and says to the first officer, "You don't always have to be so rude straight away. Don't be such a bitch!"
The first officer only laughs proudly. "That's right. I'm a bitchy bitch," she concludes, cackling away as they head off together.
WTF. LOL. A bitchy bitch indeed. Oh yeah. And don't bother apologising or anything.
Out of Airport
Totally irrelevant to the topic but thought I could add it here as well. Had a dodgy taxi driver last year too. He spoke to one of the officers at the airport taxi stand quite affably so I assume he is known to airport staff. On the way driving us home, he actually pulled out a big baggie filled with weed and started eating it in front of us as he drove. He saw us watching him and offered it to us "Want some marijuana?" he asks happily.
Geez!! MerlinFan was going to report him - took his taxi number and everything until I reminded her he drove us home so he knows where we live!!!
Melbourne taxi cab companies - maybe you should consider screening your taxi drivers for drugs.
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