Saturday 19 November 2011

Racism at Carlton Post Office

Before you jump to conclusions, this case of racism is not of the usual sort.  No, it is worse.  This is a disgraceful case of Asian bullying Asians, as you will clearly see from this most despicable tale.

JRabbit was at the Carlton Post Office.  She was waiting at the line in front of the counter, and as the previous person finished and left, she approached the counter.  Now, the person behind the counter was an Asian chick - she wasn't doing anything in particular, but she told JRabbit sternly she couldn't approach the counter, to go back and wait a few feet back.

Now Asian chick wanders around the counter, taking her time doing who knows what, and then when she is finally done, she deplorably ignores JRabbit completely, and gestures to an Aussie man standing in line, asking him to come up to the counter.

JRabbit could not believe what is was seeing.  The Aussie man is reluctant and a bit embarrassed, he gestures to JRabbit and has the decency to tell the Asian post office girl, "I'm sorry, but I think this woman was here first."

By now, JRabbit is furious.  She approaches the counter, and tells the Asian post office girl, "I was here first, and you told me to go back.  Now you want to serve the Aussie man before me.  You're Asian but you're bullying other Asians."  The Asian post office girl has nothing to say but keeps her head down.

Now a Caucasian post office lady working behind the counter with Asian post office girl witnesses all of this.  She comes and tells JRabbit sorry, the Asian post office girl is always like that, it's not the first time that has happened.

Hmph.  Disgusting, isn't it.  


  1. Its not even about race anymore, that like of treatment, regardless of race, is just ridiculous.

    Any other post to bitch about? Lol.

  2. I know, right? Despicable.

    Haha will keep you posted if more annoying people cross my way :P
