Saturday 19 November 2011

Blast from the Past II

2.  Foul Weather

Now this annoying woman was named so because of the resemblance of her physique to Walt Disney's Merry Weather from Sleeping Beauty - short and tubby.  She was no way as nice or good looking >:P

Merry Weather
Foul Weather had pets in the class.  Yup.  Her pets were the kids who went to her private tuition, and it was pretty damn obvious who they were.

Now my best friends ChanelFan and PrincessBling (sorry guys!) were two amongst her group of teacher's pets.  I used to be really gleeful when we had to do shared projects and presentations because I would always partner up with ChanelFan, and we would automatically get an A for everything we did - well, ChanelFan did, so Foul couldn't very well give her an A and me any less for the same project, right? 

Now, we used to do quizzes and we would usually have to swap test papers with other students to mark answers.  Foul made it very clear to all of us that if we mark our fellow student's test wrongly, she would deduct those marks from us. 

One day, I swapped with PrincessBling.  PrincessBling accidentally marked my paper 76% instead of 96%.  To change my official mark, I had to tell Foul and show it to her.  Thinking it was ME who had marked her precious PrincessBling's quiz paper wrong, Foul instantly gives me a nasty look and say to me sharply, "I'm going to deduct 20 marks off your test paper!"

I tell her calmly, it was PrincessBling who marked my paper 20% less, not me who marked hers wrong.  Foul Weather stares at the paper for a moment then quietly and in a more subdued manner, just says "oh."  And she turns back to her papers without another word.   No mention of deducting marks off PrincessBling, when she was immediately going to deduct a huge 20 marks off my test.  As if it never happened.  Turned a blind eye.  Of course since PrincessBling is one of my best friends, I don't bring it up either.

Still, is that not favouritism?  It pisses me off that she was giving other students such unfair and preferential treatment just because they attended her tuition and so she had to show the parents that they were getting good marks.  The things some of these shit teachers get away with.

And a few years later, after she's demoted from teaching language class, she teachers us something like home economics.  Now MerlinFan and I came back two weeks late from a mid-term holiday because we had chicken pox while on holiday overseas, so we couldn't very well get into the plane and infect everyone onboard and had to stay overseas for a fortnight, missing school.

Now on the first day back to school, Foul has arranged a test and when we say we've never covered the topic because we had just returned, Foul says to us sternly "Who asked you to go for holidays so long?"

WTF???  Excuse me, it's not like we were having a jolly old time when we were quarantined at home and overseas with chicken pox.  Did the headmaster never notify the teachers?  Or did she know but was just having a bitter resentful bitch moment?

Anyway after making super stressed and thinking we're going to get zero marks (by this point I was just sitting there because this was some bloody accounting thing that obviously I didn't know how to do without learning before) she comes and finally tells us ok, she's not going to count the test and we can refer to our book.  >:C  I bet she was just thinking of how she was going to explain to our parents that we got zero because she made us sit for a test we had never learnt on the first day we came back after being sick for two weeks.


  1. I want to take this opportunity here to apologize for my essay being chosen to win consolation in the essay competition by Foul Weather. That essay was a true disgrace and it was then i truly realised that we were indeed pets. You or MerlinFan wrote way better essays and I would gladly return the measly RM5 gift voucher if you guys want it. :P

  2. ROFL. Hilarious.. though I think my essay would have been even more of a disgrace. I can't even remember the essay competition or such a shitty RM5 gift voucher.... @_@
