Saturday 19 November 2011

Blast from the Past III

3. Winnie

Now let's call this pleasant acquaintance Winnie - after Winifred Sanderson, the witch in the kid's film Hocus Pocus.  Why?  She has such an uncanny resemblance to Winifred, namely those beautiful buck teeth.

Winifred, Hocus Pocus

Winnie was probably the most disgraceful and despicable of them all.  Not because she was a shit teacher - she could be fun, and funny sometimes, but her biggest sin was also the worst crime a teacher can ever make... favouritism.  And not just any sort of favouritism - her pets were the Eurasian expatriate students.

It was shameful.  Look in the mirror.  You're Asian.  Your kid(s) is/are Asian.  Why make them feel inferior to Eurasian kids?  It was extra embarrassing because ALL of us in the class could see it, we all knew it - it was so bloody obvious even to a bunch of 11 year olds.  She wanted to make films and plays with the Eurasian kids as the stars, always pointed out stuff about them to the entire class and sat them next to all their friends.  

The crazy thing was, at one occasion, Winnie wanted to be "nice" and decided to move everyone's seating so that everyone could be near to their friends.  My best friends, ChanelFan and PrincessBling were away at the time, so after Winnie changed our seating so that we were grouped together, MerlinFan and I just SMILED at each other.  Winnie saw this and immediately snapped in a very sharp and nasty tone, "But if you talk, I'm going to move your seats!"  WTF.  The rest of the class just looked as bewildered as we felt.  Everyone knew MerlinFan and I were really quiet in school, so where was this sudden personal attack for???  And she seats her pets all together, smiling at them without one word of warning, when some of them were the noisiest in the class!  Psycho bitch.

Oh yes.  There was another occasion that PrincessBling and I never forget, and will always laugh about (now).  We had a test, and during it as usual, everyone was quietly asking to borrowing pens and correction fluid and shit all around us.  I turned around and asked PrincessBling what time it was and she told me.  Winnie comes over suddenly and tears both PrincessBling and my paper in half for talking during a test.  (Why does it seem everyone always gets away with things but when I do it I get penalised for it?  Answer = Loser....) Then as the test ends, she puts the torn pieces of paper together and tells me, gleefully in front of our whole class that I would have gotten the highest mark if I hadn't talked during a test.  @_@  Bitchy.  And to think I was one of the quietest people in class.  I rest my case.

My only hope is that Winnie's children get taught by a teacher who favours white kids, and comes home and complain to her...  And woo, she can proudly tell them, "That's great, honey! Mummy is too!"

ChanelFan, PrincessBling and MerlinFan - my memory doesn't serve me that well anymore... any more bitter stories from the school crypt you'd like to add???


  1. Remember when Winnie created a play just so she could star her 'pets'? Princess Bling and myself just returned from a holiday and missed out half of the practice. She was furious that she had to put us as 'extras' in the play, together with the rest of the 'non-pets'. Threatened not to put us in because we may ruin the whole play. Come on.. how hard was it to do '1x1=1, 2x2=4' with your hands?

  2. How about that time when we had to audition for the 'Utopia' dance for the school Annual Concert? Winnie was arranging for the audition groups and actually said "All the pretty ones here" while ushering all her 'pets' into that group. Needless to say, my self-esteem was shot down that day...

  3. I was fine with my test being torn up.. didn't scored very well.. :P

  4. There was one time when the class pulled a prank on Winnie.. forging a letter from an ex-classmate who moved to Singapore. She swore she would get even.. and the next day, she came into class saying that we'll be getting a new teacher as she'll be moving on as well.. of course her 'pets' were devastated and the class was in shock! It took all my willpower not to scream 'YES!'.. boy was I crushed when she said "now we're even"...

  5. OMG I can't believe I forgot all of this...
